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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  January 29, 2013 11:00am-12:00pm EST

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thank you very much for joining me today. "cnn newsroom" continues right now with ashley ban field. thank you very much, carol. hello, nice to have you with us. there is nothing like an election to focus the attention of lawmakers and presidents. just look at how fast immigration reform went back on the front burner after president obama won more than 70% of the hispanic vote in november. as we speak, the president is en route to nevada. a state that he carried by more than six points over mitt romney despite an imploding economy there. any guesses who kept that state blue? the president is pitching a comprehensive immigration rewrite that may sound a lot like the senate plan that was unveiled yesterday. however, it will not sound identical. cnn's brianna keilar joins me from the white house now. so will the president propose something completely different than what the senate has already done, and is there a risk of confusing everyone? >> reporter: no, i don't think he'll propose something entirely
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different from what the senate has done. so far, ashleigh, the white house is welcoming the senate plan. we're expecting that the president will highlight a proposal that's actually been out for almost two years at this point. his blueprint for immigration reform. but when it was put out in 2011, it was seen much more as a statement, i think, ahead of the election more than a genuine push for immigration reform. he didn't really push it forward in any real way. so we're expecting to hear him highlight that, and i will tell you that obviously the hottest button issue has to do with the pathway to citizenship, what it would be for millions of undocumented immigrants currently here in the u.s. and the president has said he thinks they should register with the government, undergrow -- undergo background checks. they should pay taxes and a penalty, and they should learn english. i think we're still waiting to see as the details are flushed out in these plans as they become more specific, you would think obviously that whatever pathway the president is
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proposing is probably going to fall to the left of something that republicans have signed to in the senate. i think that's a fair assumption. also the senate planned like to tie border security directly to the pathway to citizenship. and we don't think the white house is totally on board with that. but they're also not completely poo-pooing it because they're trying to capitalize on this moment now when republicans are also along with democrats saying something has to be done on the issue. >> so some are saying that this was thunder stealing in terms of the -- the senators announcing their proposals yesterday. the president announcing his proposals today. and that there was actually quite a bit of backroom dealing in order to convince the president maybe not to do certain things. how did all of that play out? >> reporter: that's right. this is something that our dana bash reported on for cnn. the idea obviously a concern among some members, particularly republicans, that if you say something is the president's plan, that there may be some
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sort of resistance to this. it's easier for congress, specifically republicans, to have some of their own ideas that are separate and sort of champion those. and obviously i think that's -- that's not too hard to understand because of the dynamics that we've seen politically between the two sides. >> also what about the deal beings legislation? trying to convince the president not to actually come out with actual legislation because that could cause, you know, political rifts. >> reporter: that's right. and that really speaks to the very same thing. that if he sort of comes forward and says this is my bill, it's completely written, here you go, that there may be some initial resistance on the part of republicans on capitol hill. i think the thought is that if there is more buy-in, if there is more cooperation in the process of coming to some sort of legislative language that that may have a better chance of getting through congress. and it really speaks to just how sensitive of a subject this is. yes, right now there does seem to be some momentum.
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there does seem to be more agreement that you have seen in some time about the fact that something needs to be done. but make no mistake, this is treacherous political territory. >> okay. brianna keilar reporting live from the white house. thank you. it is way too soon to know whether this is really the year something gets done on immigration, actually gets done. it's definitely got washington talking. >> more and more americans realize that we can't forever have 11 million people live in the shadows. >> we've invested some $18 billion in border security. we're spending more on our borders than we're spending in combination in the secret service and fbi and many law enforcement agencies. >> i think we need to be honest with ourselves about how important immigration is for our economy, for agriculture, for guest workers and other laborers. >> if you grant amnesty, what do you get? more amnesty. more illegal entry. >> obviously we need to know who's here, why they're here, and whether we want to keep them. we get to choose as americans,
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not them. >> well, earlier this month we asked americans what the main focus of u.s. policy on illegal immigrants should be. 53% said we should focus on a plan for legal residency. 43% said that the focus should be deportation and keeping would-be illegal immigrants out. and you can watch the president's remarks live on immigration reform. we're going to carry those remarks at 2:55 eastern time here on cnn. another cabinet be some leaving president obama's side. we are now hearing that transportation secretary ray lahood is stepping down. he sent this letter to department of transportation employees saying in part, "i've told president obama, and i've told many of you, that this is the best job i've ever had." he goes on to say, "i'm grateful to have the opportunity to work with all of you, and i'm confident that dot will continue to achieve great things in the future." one out and another one in.
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well, almost anyway. last hour, the senate foreign relations committee voted to condition firm john kerry as the new -- voted to confirm john kerry as the new secretary of state. he will replace hillary clinton. and the full senate vote isn't expected until later today. that's considered more of a formality. and this afternoon, cnn's exit interview with outgoing secretary of state hillary clinton is on our docket. make sure you action news to "the situation room" live at 5:00 eastern for wolf blitzer and the secretary. now to a balancing act. a literal balancing act in florida from the famed wallenda family. nick wallenda is going to try to walk across the street in his hometown of sarasota this hour a little different from the way you and i do. like a true wallenda, he will not use a crosswalk, he will be on a wire 180 feet in the air. and just for excitement, no safety net. for more excitement, no safety harness either. you'll probably remember that
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nick wallenda walked across niagara falls the same way last year. so stay tuned. we'll update you on the wallendas' progress. but your erectile dysfunction - you know, that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away.
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thunderstorms and strong winds, hail and sadly to report even tornadoes expected for people living between texas and west virginia. i know that's a really wide swath. the radar is not looking pretty. and our severe weather expert, chad myers, has been keeping track. i can't -- i can't remember a time when you and i did so many segments it bad weather all over the place. it was a freezing cold chill for a lot of the country. now the severe weather. how bad is it going to be for people in that sglarea? >> you know, that big air mass we talked about, warm air in the -- >> called it the blue blob. >> yeah. this is part of that pattern. we talk about the up and down of the jet stream, now the jet stream is going back down again, turning up to the north, right in the severe weather center. and then right here from the one side, the east part of this is going to be warm. the west side of the storm is cold. and they don't like to match. they don't like the mixup here. when you get cold this way and warm up this way, you will get a line of severe whether.
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-- severe weather. whether it's winter, spring, summer, fall. it will be from memphis into little rock, down into even almost dallas, texas, today. here's -- there are big cities in here. a lot of time we have severe weather, and it's in the middle of nowhere. this isn't nowhere today. this is a real threat for big cities including even st. louis, kansas city. you see all of the lightning here, through oklahoma city, moving into tulsa. that's broken arrow up to the northwest, 544, rolling through kansas city now. the weather does vnl move by. even for tomorrow, the weather moves into the southeast where we could have severe weather. the threat today will be an isolated tornado or two. not talking about a lot of big f4, f5 tornadoes. but if you get tornadoes that are wrapped in rain we call them because there's rain all the way around the tornado and you can't see it out there and take cover, sometimes those are the most dangerous. and they're only f1, f2s, maybe 80, 90, 100 miles per hour. if they hit your house, that's a
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b big deal. keep the weather radio on, we'll be here all day >> i lose track this is almost february, i didn't think we were near tornado season. >> tornado season follows the jet stream. january, february, they're across the south. march, april, may. by june, july, august, you can get tornadoes in calgary and edmonton. i've seen that up into the middle of the summer. that's where the jet stream is. follow the jet, follow the tornados. >> makes sense. chad myers, thank you. when you have diabetes...
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your doctor will say get smart about your weight. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes.
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it's hard to believe it was two years ago this week that tens of thousands of people con vernaled on egypt's tahrir -- converged on egypt's tahrir square to kick off a revolution that led to the downfall of hosni mubarak and an arab spring that inspired hope across the middle east. that hope, though, has given way to utter chaos and deadly violence. so much so that the defense minister there in the new government is today warning that it could lead to the collapse of the state. protesters this time unhappy with the muhammad morsi government have defied a curfew and instead have been fighting openly with police along the famed suez canal. cairo also has erupted into
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violence. dozens of people have been killed. our ben wedeman is live in cairo for us. this is democracy, and democracy, ben, is not pretty. but at the same time, why is it that we're seeing so much violence instead of a political action to try to change the government that's currently in place? that was elected by them? >> reporter: i think it's important to keep in mind that this is a revolution. revolutions don't last 18 days. they can go on for years. this country was essentially under military rule for about 60 years. therefore, when all the controls go, when people take to the streets and fight against the military and against the police, forces are let loose that are very hard to control. there is political movement going on. there are politicians talking with the government trying to resolve this crisis over a
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variety of things. over the new constitution. over the actions of the muslim brotherhood since it came to power. there are many young people who have discovered the power of numbers, the power of crowds, their ability to fight the state in its broadest sense. and that's what we're seeing in places like along the suez canal, in alexandria, in cairo. and it's also important to keep in mind that it's a relatively small number in cairo who are actually confronting the security forces. many egyptians desperately worried about the state of the economy, desperate for some sort of resolution of this political security crisis. >> ben, when so many americans think of egypt, they think of, you know, cairo and its spectacular museums and the pyramids and a terrific vacation spot. but i think a lot of people wonder if that's a safe place to go, especially when you have a defense minister warning of the collapse of a state. what does that mean?
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>> reporter: well, today i spoke with a former general who's in close touch with senior officers in the military. and he said that their real concern is that this security vacuum, the chaos in the streets, the political disarray could lead to a civil war. at the moment, nobody see its happening soon. but if this goes on for much longer and this is two years now, regular outbreaks of violence, the worry is that it could collapse into a state of mere anarchy or, as i said, civil war. ashleigh? >> incredible. ben wedeman live in cairo. stay safe yourself. i know you called that home for a long time. if you want more information on this developing story, and it does develop day by day, check out, where we have up-to-the-minute reporting from cairo and around egypt. also want to tell you about north korea today. it is one of the most secretive
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countries on the planet. but its cover is being blown a little bit. all thanks to a new google map that's being unveiled today. here is google's previous map of north korea. pretty plain vanilla, blank slate so to speak. and now this is what you see when you tune in. it's changed. now labels are overing from pyongyang's subway stops to monuments and hotels and department stores. google says the project has been in the works for years. don't jump to any conclusions. even though the map shows location of one of the knew lags, the huge prison -- gulags, the huge prison camp 22, the spokesperson says there's no connection between the map and details and that trip to north korea that we witnessed by the google chief, eric schmidt, three weeks ago.
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love the graphics.
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it's super bowl week. today's activity is talking to us, the media. super bowl media day is a world unto itself. all of the players are made available, and they're asked pretty much everything from game strategy to questions about their love life. they choose to answer or not. today there's one thing that they're more than likely to be asked about -- some comments made by president obama earlier on this week. this week we're actually going in depth on the future of the nfl. and the remark from the president has a lot of people talking. it's in the "new republic" magazine. he said, "i'm a big football fan, but i have to tell you, if i had a son i'd have to think long and hard before i let him play football. and i think of those of us who love the sport are going to have to wrestle with the fact that it will probably change gradually to try to reduce some of the violence." that didn't go over quietly. a few of the players and coaches are already weighing in. they say they understand the president's concerns but that they wouldn't keep their kids from playing the game.
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as for the 49ers' coach, he said he saw it as an actual opportunity for his own little boy. >> well, i have a 4-month-old, almost soon-to-be 5-month-old son, jack harbaugh. and president obama feels that way, then it would be less competition for jack harbaugh when he gets older. >> that's jim harbaugh having fun with the question. let's remember this, the president said that he wasn't so much concerned about nfl players. he said that they've got unions, they've got big money contracts to take care of them. and he's really more worried about college kids when have nothing to fall back on. ravens' coach, john harbaugh, yes, brother, is important, as well, he says. he says that football is important, as well, for youngste youngsters. >> football is a great game. anybody that's played knows what a great game it is and what it provides for young people. what it provided for people like me. you know, an opportunity to grow as a person.
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it's challenging, it's tough. it's hard. there's no game like football. it's the type of sport that brings out the best in you. it really -- it kind of shows you who you are. i think it's a huge part of our educational system in this country. and it's going to be around for a long time. >> and they even look alike, right? john harbaugh says the game is not going anywhere. but one of his players, bernard pollard, says otherwise. he says he thinks safety rules and changing attitudes could actually kill the nfl. he says he thinks the league could be gone in 30 years. and on the eve of super bowl xlvii, cnn is live in new orleans with our take on the biggest sporting event in the country. what it means to the city, how it became such a cultural phenomenon, and a lot more, too. our kickoff in new orleans, "cnn bleacher report special," airs saturday, 4:00 p.m. eastern time.
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now to a balancing act in florida from the famed wallenda family. just moments ago, nick wallenda made it across the street in his hometown of sarasota on this hour. i know that doesn't sound like much but watch he he does. it like a true wallenda, did not use a crosswalk. walked cry a 180-foot-high wire. no net. no safety harness. this is his m.o. remember that he walked across niagara falls the same way last year? i am so glad that he made it because that is something to see, i'll tell you. no harness. he always insists on that. even the broadcasters covering it hate that he has no harness. i'm going to throw a couple names your way -- before that we have a plane crash. bee in new yo -- we here in are used to hearing about a plane crashing in the hudson. it happened again. two people on board a small plane. the pilot and one passenger.
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the video is hard to see but the plane went into the dark water, began filling with water. one of the passengers had the wherewithal to grab a phone and make this incredibly desperate call to 911. listen. >> can you open this door? >> we're going to go to see the we're, we're going to the rear of the plane. the plane is filling up. >> okay. try and keep me on the phone. where in the hudson, sir? where in the -- sir? >> yes? >> where in the hudson river? >> we're at the alpine tower. >> alpine tower? >> yes. we're in the middle of the hudson. >> the middle of the hudson. >> in the middle of the hudson. that sound pretty darn calm for a man who just crashed into a freezing cold river. can i tell you, not just freezing, unbearable cold. there was ice all around. and temperatures were dipping well down into the 20s. next, listen as he moves to the back of the plane and then starts getting into that freezing cold water.
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>> are you still in the plane? >> we are in the plane. the plane is taking on water. >> okay. is it possible for you to get out? >> we can get out if we have to. >> okay. i need you to get out if the -- >> the plane is going down. let's go. get out. get out. all right. the plane is -- we're definitely, we're going down. we're going down. >> okay. sir? >> yes. >> i need you to get out of the plane and let me know when you're out. >> i'm out of the plane. >> okay. where -- >> i'm going to lose you, though. i'm going to lose you. the water's freezing. >> sir? >> the water's freezing! >> i know. i understand that. but i need you to get out of the plane so you're not trapped in the plane. >> all right. we're out. >> okay. you both are out? >> we're not going to make it to shore. >> i'm sorry? >> i'm not going to make it to shore. >> okay. we have -- we have an officer en route, and we have a boat en route. >> okay. i'm going to lose you. >> okay. can you stay on the phone with me, sir? sir, sir?
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i lost him. >> can you imagine the feeling of that operator then thinking that i lost him means i may have lost him? really incredible stuff. but guess what -- a good ending to this one. they were picked up after about 30 minutes in the frigid water. they survived that water, it's amazing in itself. they are now out of the hospital, and both the pilot and passenger are doing okay. what a story. all right. to our business guru now. she has amazing tales to tell us, as well. i always think of famous women who are in big leadership roles. cheryl sandberg, jenny rom edy, meg whitman, but there's a study that shows 2% of top executive positions like president and chairperson and ceo are held by women. so i don't have a big list of women to tell you about. there is one. making huge headlines. >> sthehe's probably the most
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famous in silicon valley except cheryl sandberg. melissa meyer runs a company like yahoo!. she's not even 40 yet, not even 40. she's been running the company for it two quarters. and she's got probably the most famous turnaround attempt ahead of her at yahoo hoo. listen. remember this -- at one time, yahoo! search was bigger than this and this. in the 1990s and early 2000s, yahoo! ruled the web, generating more online search traffic than all of its competitors. but then yahoo! lost its way as one chief after another faltered at the helm. right when yahoo! badly needed leadership to maintain relevance on line. >> generally speaking, i think they've been losing the race pretty badly to google and search. i think they've been losing sort of the battle in e-mail and other areas. >> reporter: that's where marissa mayer steps in or so boosters hope. >> i think one of the important things moving forward is mobile. >> reporter: she's a former
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executive at google who took yahoo!'s ceo post last summer. the first fortune 500 chief to enter the job pregnant. she's wasted no time trying to change things around, taking only two weeks off for maternity leave. she has stopped at nothing to rise up the ranks in a silicon valley dominated by men. maher's biggest challenge is to define what yahoo! is today. yahoo! gave up on search. it now partners instead with microsoft bing. yahoo! mail is still going strong, ranked the second-most popular mail service on line. its news site generates lots of traffic. may irwants yahoo! to personal ease the web from content to emails to adand says mobile will be the key to a turnaround. >> when you look at what people want on their phone, you can read it from top to bottom. it's mail, weather, check stock quotes, check sports scores, watch videos, share photos, check the news. this is a huge opportunity for
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yahoo!. we have the content. we have all of the information that people want on their phones. now it's about making it easy and relevant to use on mobile. >> reporter: so far investors have expressing confidence in maher. yahoo! shares up 30% since she took over as ceo. the stock price is still down that much compared to five years ago when yahoo!'s brand started to lose its clout. but for the first time in four years, yahoo! grew its revenue. up 4% in the final quarter of 2012 from the previous year. a good start for marissa mayer. >> i think about other titans of tech, and i think of steve jobs and these -- larger than life, you know, personalities who are always out front and center, at least it seemed to the -- the initiated. she doesn't do a lot of press conferences or interviews. >> she's been focused on running it company. she's famous for her work at google. she came up through google. i think she was google employee number 20 which means she's fabulously wealthy.
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from writing google up. she's taken her google street smarts over to yahoo!. she wants it try to personalize your web experience and make yahoo! relevant again. >> do you know what fabulous wealthy means in real terms? i heard $300 million. that's her net worth. just like you. similar to you. >> wow. that's a lot of money. yeah, i drop a whole -- drop a bunch of zeros, couple of decimal points. whoa i'm telling you is, it's interesting when she came on and had her baby. people complain there aren't a lot of women in silicon valley. she took a couple of weeks of maternity leave. people, oh, what kind of a role model is she setting for women. wait, you can't complain that there aren't women in silicon valley and complain because somebody wants to be a powerful woman in silicon valley. i remember -- >> maybe her husband stayed home. >> i think he's a venture capitalist. he's got a big job, too. they're a big couple. this is a company people will be watching. the stock up 30%.
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this is a company that many people remember from their youth s. she going to make it relevant again, is she going to make the company match the stock turnaround? >> is she making it relevant through mail and snowball. >> she want to turn the -- and mobile? >> she wants to turn the company around from yahoo! and turn it into your personal web, your personal web experience, personalize it via yahoo!. >> up 30%. how about them apples? >> stock down a little today. she has a lot to prove. that's what we'll be looking for ahead. >> thank you. >> you can lead more about marissa mayer, her turnaround and why she's encouraging staff to move more quickly. find it at
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i want you to look at a couple of pictures of an iraq war vet. bear with me. there's a good reason i want to introduce him. he's an american hero. his name is brendan marrocco. get a good look at him. he's like a lot of other 26-year-olds. he loves cars and he's sarcastic and digs twitter big time. in fact, he posts a lot of pictures on twitter himself. there he is, he tweeted out, "i'm bored at work." he may have been bored when he took the shot, it's hard to believe he is alive at this point, though. he lost all four of his limbs back in 2009 after a roadside bomb went off. one of his friends was killed. another one injured. in another war in another time, this man would be dead. probably would have died on the battlefield. and he's holding a news
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conference right now to show something off. something amazing. two brand new arms. he is the successful recipient of a double arm transplant. and he couldn't be happier. he's smiling at the press conference. tweeting out the fact that -- limbs are starting to move somewhat. it seems unbelievable. if it seems such, it just may be. elizabeth cohen joins me live to answer to this miracle. you know, i thought this might be a first-time thing. but it's happened a few times before. double arm transplants. how do they do it? it seems so intricate. >> they have to reconnect everything. you can imagine, this is surgery done at times with a microstop. you're reconnecting -- microscope. you're reconnecting every muscle, every tendon, every nerve. and you're connecting blood vessels. if that limb doesn't get blood, that limb will die. i was just on the phone with a surgeon who's done these before. he said that is the part that
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really makes you sweat is when you have to put that circulatory system back together. so okay oh is the seventh person -- marrocco is the seventh person to have this double arm transplant. the surgeon told me the biggest part of success is what part of the arm the transplant is done. the closer to the wrist the better. in simple terms, the more of the arm you have to transplant, the more difficult the task is. and brendan's actually, it's amazing. one of his arm -- i have to look at my notes. his left arm, it was below the elbow. the right arm was the entire arm. right, it was above the elbow for the left. excuse me, above the elbow for the left arm and the entire arm for the right arm. so that's pretty amazing. these are very extensive surgeries. we heard from him at the press conference. let's take a listen. >> pretty much now i can move my elbow.
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this was my elbow, the one i had before. i can rotate a little bit. this arm is pretty much -- not much movement at all. not yet at least. hopefully -- we're hopeful for the future to get some pretty good function out of it, out of both of them. >> so again, he can rotate one elbow and can't do much with the other arm. ashleigh? >> i was looking at a 1 313-hou operation. they had to connect bones, blood vessels, muscles, tendons, nerves, and skin on both of those limb. and he mentioned that he could feel movement but couldn't yet move those fingers. what do the doctors say the chances are that those will be functioning arms? >> you know, they probably won't be fully functional, let's say in the way that you or i function. the surgeon who's done these before says he has patient ws w can do everything you or i can do but not as fast. it's not going to be necessarily
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like it was for him before the surgery. but when you think about what the alternative is which is a prosthetic, any kind of movement, any kind of function is definitely an improvement over that. >> you know something, brendan recognizes he's lucky to be alive. there was someone in his vehicle who didn't survive. a great story. we're proud of him. thank you. elizabeth cohen reporting. keep us updated. amazing story. i want to give an update on a story that we first brought to you last year. and i think you'll remember it because the video was nothing short of dramatic. >> i'm hit! [ gunfire ] >> i'm hit! >> dramatic and real and true. a soldier in afghanistan, his helmet cam catching the moment he went under fire. this is action, the real kind. anonymous at the time, the soldier crying out over and over to his platoon, "i'm hit."
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he intentionally took on fire to try to draw the fire away from his mates. and now we know who he is. and also, we know that he felt embarrassed that this video went viral. >> it was a vulnerable moment for me right there. i kind of pride myself on being a tough guy. not once in my life have i ever cried out like that. and -- ever. >> reporter: why then? >> i thought i was going die. >> private first-class ted daniels, that's hiss na name. the military told him to keep quiet after the video went viral. now the military is letting him talk. daniels says he never wanted the video to go public and that he even intended to get youtube to take it down. >> i said, listen, can you please take this video down. it's going to bring a lot of heat on me. it's not something that i really want. please remove it.
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never got a reply. >> now in fact he was appealing to the person who posted it on youtube and didn't get the reply. after that camera shot went dead, daniels ran for the armored vehicle. it was about a 300-yard dash under fire. he was already bleeding from his arms and hands. there was a lot of shrapnel that hit him. on the way, he was hit again. this time a bullet grazed his helmet. he also talked about how he felt afterwards and about his effort to draw that enemy fire away from his fellow soldiers. >> we all made it out. and you know, we all made it to fight another day. it felt good. >> daniels said that after he watched the video for the first time, he could not sleep for days. and here's something else -- he still has not shown that to his two kids. three. my credit card rewards are easy to remember with the bankamericard cash rewards credit card.
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for years the boy scouts of america have preached the creed that a scout must be "morally straig straight" and to do his duty to god and country. that has always meant that gay people were not allowed and not wanted. the u.s. supreme court affirmed that anti-gay policy back in 2000. now the national organization is saying that it's considering changing its long-standing policy against gay people.
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officials say the rethinking is due to months of protests including a protest in which hundreds of angry scouts renounced scouting's eagle scou and actually sent back their medals. jennifer is an openly gay den mother. she had a very adverse response -- adverse effect of her experience with the boy scouts. she actually was a former den mother for the cub scouts and then said that she was kicked out because of her sexual orientation. after the break, she's going to join us. all stations come over to mission a for a final go.
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siemens. answers.
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kimberly mccarthy is indeed a rare breed. rare because in just a few hours she's going to be a dead woman literally. she'll be the 13th woman to be executed in the united states since 1976. she's been calling death row her home for the last 14 years, after a texas jury found her guilty not just one time, two times. just in case you're curious about what she did the evidence showed that she called her elderly neighbor to borrow a company of shoe dpugar and went door smashed her face with a candlestick, chopped off her finger to steal a diamond ring and stabbed her to death with a
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butcher knife. mccarthy was tied to two other similar murders. as gruesome as mccarthy's crime was, her execution stills a pretty unusual. it's tough to get your mind around that, but since the death penalty was reinstated decades ago, only these 12 women have actually gone to the death chamber before mccarthy does, barring any kind of clemency. women account for just 1 in 10 murder arrests. all right, 10% of murder arrests are women. however, women account for only 1 in 100 executions. so look at that percentage drop. raises a question, why is that? what's with the discrepancy? the crimes are still pretty awful, right? if you get sentenced to death, if it's a murder it's a murder. paul cowan jones us now. not all murs are the same. >> not at all. >> something called mitigators
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and a jury and a human factor. >> exactly. and women, you know, prosecutors, i probably was involved in hundreds of murder investigations as a prosecutor here in new york city. you almost never see women involved in murders. so that i think you said the stat was 1 in 10 arrests. >> 1 in 10. >> it's not even on people's radar screen that a woman can commit a crime like this. you kind of go into it with an assumption, gee, it's a woman, can't be true. and so they get sort of a benefit of the doubt that i think men don't get when these cases are tried and when sentencing occurs. >> a lot of the women who come into a courtroom on a murder charge, a murder one charge, a lot of times it's boyfriends, lovers, children. but people close to them. does that tell you somehow there was -- there were other seshgs that played into that murder more so than with men who murder strangers, thrill killings, women don't go foo that cinto t category. >> no, they don't go into that
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category. women don't commit robberies the way men do, they don't commit offenses the way men do. i think when you see these women who get sentenced to death they're usually extraordinary cases, cases of extraordinary brutality. you were describing this case. 71 years old, her finger was chopped off while alive to get the ring. and then she stabbed five times with a butcher knife. brutal, brutal, extraordinary brutality. >> almost feels as though you have to be a person like mccarthy, remember eileen wornos? this is her in court in front of people who are the asher rbitor >> you sabotaged my [ bleep ] society and the cops and the system, a raped woman got executed. when she was -- for books and
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movies and [ bleep ], ladder climbs, the election and everything else. i put a finger in all of your faces, thanks a lot. you're an inhumane [ bleep ] p you're going get nuked in the end. iraq's supposed to hit you anyhow, you're all going to get nuked. you don't take human life like this and sabotage and rip it across like jesus on the cross and say thanks a lot for all of the money made off of you. kn i know what jesus was going through. >> one day before her execution. i'll tell you something, in the courtroom, before jurors, et cetera, it was a lot of the same stuff. is that what it takes for jurors to get to i'll vote yes for death? you have to have someone of that ilk but not so for men? >> it's a vengeance kind of thing for a jury. they're not supposed to do this. a crime of brutality, the idea
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this punishment is deserved. in this case that we've looked at, there is a second factor. what threat would she pose to the society if she ever got out of prison? i think jurors look at that and they say, is this person truly a monster? if they ever could get out of prison we're not going to allow that to happen so they impose the death penalty. >> we'll have to keep an eye on this case. obviously klemm eclemency can h. but this is texas and it doesn't often happen there. this is scheduled for this evening. we'll have to watch closely to see if kimberly mccarthy ends up a dead woman, executed. nice to be with you. before the break, i mentioned to you the boy scouts of america have decided that they may, in fact, consider changing a longstanding policy against having gay people in the organization. jennifer turrell is an openly gay mother of four kids and was a didn't mother, in fact, for
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cub scouts and says she was kicked out because of her sexual orientation. we had problems with your earpiece before. can you hear me loud and clear? >> i can hear you. thank you for having me. >> i have a minute left. we had problems with your technical stuff. your reaction, i know this has been a battle for you. this is quite a moment. >> it's definitely been a battle. everybody that's involved is excited and hopeful. we're going to anxiously await the final decision from the boy scouts before we completely celebrate. i think it's good news and it's a good step. one day we'll all have equality in all aspects of life. that's my hope. >> 30 seconds to the end of the show. i've got to ask you, final decision, if it's the final decision, will that get you back into the boy scouts? interested in get back into the organization? >> if they approve this, it will be a great step and when all kids are allowed in the scouts


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